The Dirt on My Loving Wife

There is never enough time to get everything done. Since I have been back I have done nothing but work on moving this huge dirt pile of my neighbors and filling in a huge hole in my yard. To give you an idea of how big the pile would have taken 10 dumptruck to move it all!!!! I never thought it would take as long as it has but I finally got it moved this morning after working on it for 3 hours Saturday, 3 hours Sunday, 7 hours Monday and 3 hours this morning for a grand total of 16 hours!!!!
Now to put this into perspective I was in Texas pretty much all last week and did not get home Friday night until almost midnight. Our wedding anniversary was Sunday so we went to Chaffins for dinner Saturday night, Church for 4 hours Sunday, work Monday ect. So I have been busy.
Now in the meantime my wife has really been suffering from all this. She had the kids all last week by herself, enough said. She is also a house clean freak (I love this about her) so she has worked herself to death trying to keep up the house and take care of the kids and do all the daddy things while I was away. She also went to the trouble to mow the yard and bless her heart the lawnmower blew up on her.
So...I am sure she was expecting me to come home and give her a break, a break that she deserves soo much. But alas I did other things the past few days and neglected to give her this break and the time we needed together and give her some deserved peace and quiet away from the kids. So looks like the rest of my week is planned....planning on pampering my loving wife!!!
Now back to the dirt. So this dirt pile needed to be moved this week and I had a limited window to get it done in. My father in law needed the tractor back by today to mow hay and my neighbor needed the dirt moved so he could work on his yard while he is off during the week of the 4th. We are going on vacation next week so I only had this week to get it done. Not being one that likes to procrastinate I started as soon as I could and pretty much worked solid on it until it was done. While I was doing it I never realized the effect it was having on my wife and kids, all I could think about was getting that stupid pile of dirt moved.
Stopping and looking back I should have told my neighbor to move the dirt himself and spent that time with my family. I am soo bad about doing this, call it a flaw, call it whatever it may be but I often over commit to doing things for others when I should commit that time to my wife and children.
I often feel like I let her and the kids down, I am not the best at managing my time and often make poor choices of how I spend it and I feel that I don't always give her all the support she needs to keep things the way she likes them. My kids got upset because I was not with them, my son even asked me this morning if I came home last night and my girl stood and watched me work this morning with a bad look on her face and just kept asking "when are you going to be done?". Something more to work on I guess.
I wish I could call for a redo, because there are so many times that I wish I had made different choices or done things differently. Thank God my wife still loves me after all I put her through and after all the dumb things I have done. I just hope she continues to bare with me.
She is truly a good woman and I thank God that she is mine!!!!
You're a good guy. I wish you were my neighbor!
You're right -- You should have told your neighbor to move the dirt himself. Or you should have told Kelli to move it!
It's hard to choose between something good and something better. It's easy to put family after lesser things, but I nearly always regret it.
He's a GREAT guy and because of his good deed our other neighbor offered to bushhog our lot for Cary. So what goes around comes around!! And he knew better than to ask me to move it, He would have been 6ft under!!!
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